
sometimes things are NOT coincidences. and unfortunately one needs hindsight and forethought to piece those mental images, or full body experiences together to get the proper understanding. my friend graham johnson was here almost one year ago. nothing unordinary about his decision to pack into a honda civic with 4 others and make a last minute road trip out to parts he enjoyed the most, seeing some of the people he touched the most, and true graham fashion....being the most. while graham and only one other traveler by then, john henning, were here they were connecting on a level i recognized, a level i had connected with graham on some of our long term road trips. it was great to see it happening again for those guys and made me feel lucky by witnessing. beck "guero" was on the tip of many a conversation or in the step of a dance move those 3 days. also grahams brother kris and his wife dori were talked of as graham had just seen them the week before.
here's where it get's weird or connected or however one chooses to look at it. saturday beck came to me and there was much pop'n and lock'n happening. then on sunday kris and dori called to say they were also here. can one man be so lucky as to have a continuous connection? you see graham died rather suddenly a few weeks later, something none of us are over. but as dori said last night over a late dinner in my house, "we just live with it, somedays better than others". we all love you and miss you graham.
A beautiful photo and a great memorial, thank you for inspiring my day.
8:46 AM
I miss graham,
I remember when Ingrid told me when I was in Yia Yia's.
made me cry.
and it still brings a tear to my eyes when I think of him.
like now.
12:02 PM
Prost! Graham...
2:15 PM
I got to remember Graham the other night while talking to Ej. Late night bro sesh.
I miss him.
8:40 AM
he's still here, in each one of the hearts he touched...and probably in some that never knew he did. resting in peace. thank you for sharing. everytime i go to the old market, i say.."i wonder if i can find a parking spot in front of the french cafe", as he worked there and that's where i saw him for one of the last times. and...i always find a spot right in front....
8:24 AM
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