this just in

Well... we've been away for awhile. so it goes.... we had our 2nd, count'em, TWO, years wedding anniversary so we went to one of our most favorite of places. As some if not all of you know we are something for tradition, us two. So out to Camp Sherman,
Oregon we went. Visiting the mighty Metolious River, Black Butte Ranch and just for something new the (super snobby overpriced wanna be cool ) Suttle Lake Resort. Everything was really great. Sometimes we have to stop and reconnect. This was just the time, and the place to do it.
Nice shot, but I wish I could see you setting up your camera and running back to pose...Reminds me of George...Happy Anniversary!
7:04 AM
Great looking couple, (triple-quad) counting Curtis and the the baby. Sounds like a fun time.
4:32 PM
i don't know what you mean? i am totally relaxed, how do you know i didn't ask some kind soul to take our picture, a really weird angle, and a little out of focus.
9:43 PM
I want to lay down naked in that water, if i was there I would.
It looks so good...I guess I've always got Salt Creek, shit...
1:24 PM
many more happy years to you both!
11:01 AM
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